Welcome to our new West Texas Photographic Society website. It will be under construction for a bit so check back regularly for new content. I have a lot of ideas on how to utilize the website and make it a gathering place for members as well as non-members. Here are some of my initial thoughts.
Post the monthly image competition results. In fact if you take a look you will find the November 2024 results. Going forward I plan to add a gallery at the bottom of the post with all of the other images that were submitted.
Members submitted articles/post. We have a lot of members that travel. I would love to see members contribute about their travel and share some of the photos they made along the way.
There will be a category of “Behind the Shoot” that will talk about the behind the scenes of a series of photos and how they were made.
Members could submit articles regarding gear reviews or their favorite piece of gear that is always in their bag.
These are just a few ideas and I’m sure are members will have many other ideas as well.
I currently have the comments turned off on all of the post. I will eventually plan to turn that feature on as the rest of the site is built out. I hope you enjoy the new website and will find it informative and fun.
Thank you again Monty Smith for sharing the WTPS club photo from the past. Everyone enjoyed!