Congratulations to our September image competition winners. The theme for this month was All Things Railroad. Thank you to everyone who submitted images for this month’s competition as there were a lot of images submitted.
Black and White Assigned

1st Place: Steam Power by Larry Fink

2nd Place: 120987 by Larry Smith

3rd Place: Nighttime Express by Jay Packer
Black and White Open

1st Place: End Of The Line by Steve Tulcus

2nd Place: St Johns by Greg Schneller

3rd Place: UAlaska Building by Linda Buckman
Color Assigned

1st Place: Swift Moving Train by Steve Tulcus

2nd Place: Thunderous Transit by Jay Packer

3rd Place: BlueMotion by Sandra Hastings
Color Open

1st Place: Sunkissed by Steve Templeton

2nd Place: Past, Present, and Future by Ernie Charlesworth

3rd Place: United by Jay Packer
Enhanced Assigned

1st Place: Double Time by Sandra Hastings

2nd Place: Undercarriage by Greg Schneller

3rd Place: Ghost Train by Martin Pothier
Enhanced Open

1st Place: Indigenous Totem Pole by Sandra Hastings

2nd Place: Rita The Troll by Steve Templeton